Alya Space Has Teamed up With Carbify for an Innovative Pilot Project

We already have satellites in orbit in the Bauhinia Constellation to monitor 300,000 agroforestry systems for Carbify.

A cutting-edge satellite technology constellation that will collect information by analyzing and recording biomass in small rural communities in the Amazon Rainforest in Rondônia, north of Brazil, supported by the incredible Centro de Estudos Rioterra project (Rioterra Study Center).

We are very happy to realize our essential purpose through this project, which is to use satellite data to promote social impacts, where the beneficiaries are poor rural communities, who find in this project hope for their economic and sustainable development.

Our special thanks to William ten Zijthoff, from Carbify, for joining forces for this great purpose. We believe in global partnerships as a great force for mutual growth.

Mission accomplished and being accomplished. This is just the beginning!

Check out what our partners from Carbify wrote by clicking HERE.


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