The perfect place for incredible meetings for achievements, whether in sport or in sensational partnerships!!!
That’s what happened at this incredible lunch, organized by the NGO Panthera, to present their painted panthers, which were present at various tourist attractions in Paris, as a way of raising awareness of the issue of protecting these endangered feline species. Overlooking the EiffelTower, the MonsieurBlue, Palais de Tokyo was home to many representatives of international protection organizations and supporters of the project:
- The Brazilian Ambassador to France, Mr. Ricardo Neiva Tavares
- Fernanda Ribeiro, Director of the NGO Panthera
- Mr. Eduardo Cançado Oliveira, Minister Counsellor
- Aila Raquel, CEO of Alya Space

From right to left: Brazilian Ambassador to France, Mr. Ricardo Neiva Tavares; Fernanda Ribeiro, Director of the NGO Phantera; Mr. Eduardo Cançado Oliveira, Minister Counsellor; and Aila Raquel, CEO of Alya Space.
After Fernanda’s presentation on all the impact that Panthera’s project has had on the protection of felines around the world, we had the opportunity to enjoy a delicious lunch where we talked about Alya Space’s participation in all these protection movements.
We are working on a partnership to work on the preservation of the Pantanal-Amazon corridor and the Cerrado in Bahia, Brazil, where Panthera protects on the ground and Alya Space instruments and monitors their protected areas with our satellite constellation in orbit.
We are going to produce an immense amount of data that will serve to protect the animals by analyzing the biodiversity in these places and also generate economic production for the communities that inhabit these locations.
We will soon be presenting more details of this incredible partnership.
Unforgettable Olympic Games in Paris 2024. Merci Fernanda Ribeiro!!!